Wednesday, October 14, 2015

News Challenge by Michelle Sloan

   Adele’s Restaurant at the University of Maryland after announcing plans for a Happy Hour on October 14, 2015. (Michelle Sloan)

Camran Khezri get interviewed by Zach Marcus in Stamp Student Union about Adele’s Restaurant plans for a Happy Hour on October 14, 2015. (Michelle Sloan)

Cameran Khezri in front of Stamp Studnet Union at the University of Maryland after talking about Adele’s new plans for Happy Hour. (Michelle Sloan)
Zach Marcus interviews employee Makeya Smith about Adele's new happy hours plans in Stamp Student Union on October 14, 2015. (Michelle Sloan)

William Chavez works as a Senior Manager at Adele’s Restaurant and is excited about the start of new happy hour October 14, 2015. (Michelle Sloan)

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