Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Photo Essay, Ciara Cione

Outside of Ft. DuPont Ice Arena where early Saturday morning skating lessons are about to begin for inner city kids. Southeast, DC; October 24, 2015. Photo by Ciara Cione. 

The neighborhood surrounding the ice rink in Southeast, DC. October 24, 2015. Photo by Ciara Cione. 

Students, Etta Shalty, 8 (L) and Katherine Wells, 8 (R) tying their skates in preparation for  their lessons. Ft. DuPont Ice Arena, Southeast, DC. October 24, 2015. Photo by Ciara Cione. 

Skates provided for the Kids On Ice Program that students can use during lessons and freaks if they do not have their own. Southeast, DC. October 24, 2015. Photo by Ciara Cione. 

Early morning peewee hockey classes that begin at 6:30 a.m. on Saturday mornings. There are no street shoes allowed on the ice! Ft. DuPont Ice Arena, Southeast, DC. October 24, 2015. Photo by Ciara Cione. 

The rink is completely run by donations and government funding. Each year they add a new wall panel to the wall of donors. Ft. DuPont Ice Arena, Southeast, DC. October 24, 2015. Photo by Ciara Cione. 

Freshly zambonied ice for the first round of basic skills at Ft. DuPont Ice Arena, Southeast, DC. October 24, 2015. Photo by Ciara Cione. 

Junior instructor, Cydney Wong (L), helping student, Alyssa Stossi, 11, with her spiral during Advanced Figure Skating class. Ft. DuPont Ice Arena, Southeast, DC. October 24, 2015. Photo by Ciara Cione. 

Synchronized skating team practice at Ft. DuPont Ice Arena. Pictured is the Beginner 1 team with instructors Cydney Wong and Kaylin Jeter with students: (L) Winnie, Noa, Javin, Alex and Etta. Southeast, DC. October 24, 2015. Photo by Ciara Cione. 

Synchronized skating team practice at Ft. DuPont Ice Arena. Pictured is the Beginner 2 team with instructors Alyssa Lynn and Jordan McCreary with their students practicing their wheel element of the program. Southeast, DC. October 24, 2015. Photo by Ciara Cione. 

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