Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Week 7 Homework

Leah Dulber, a sophomore at the University of Maryland, sculpts a clay 
model of the heart on October 20, 2015. (Anirudh Sridhar)

Leah Dulber, a sophomore at the University of Maryland, stands 
underneath an arch of light on October 20, 2015. (Anirudh Sridhar)

Leah Dulber works intensely on her clay heart model
at the University of Maryland. (Anirudh Sridhar)

While working on her clay heart model, Leah Dulber cracks a smile 
after hearing a joke made by her roommate. (Anirudh Sridhar)

Leah Dulber studies the placement of her 
carvings on her clay heart model. (Anirudh Sridhar)

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